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Ready to Help Your Body Cleanse During the Blessed Month of Ramadan!  Releasing Weight Naturally while Fasting?

Do you feel like you eat healthy and have tried lots of diets out there but still struggle to lose weight & actually keep it off?

Or do you feel like you’re having trouble getting the weight loss started?

And maybe you feel like the only way to lose weight is to follow a restrictive diet that leaves you feeling deprived?  


Which leaves you believing that you either have to live with the extra weight or you have to feel deprived all the time...


I want you to know there’s an easier way...

It is possible to release weight and keep it off, without feeling deprived or hungry. 

Image by Alexa Suter
  • Releasing excess weight without having to try very hard

  • Feeling freedom with food as you finally eat in a way that nourishes you… rather than feeling deprived and hungry

  • Falling in love with the way your body looks and feels

  • And getting off the diet roller coaster

That would mean you’d…
  • Spend more time enjoying your life and less time stressing about food and your body

  • Be able to wear clothes you love that you feel great in

  • Feel more confident at work, home, and socially

  • Move with ease and enjoy more physical activity

  • Feel more alive, energetic, and productive

sandra ceo

Sandra La’Ray, INHC, CPT

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach,

Certified Professional Trainer 


Asalam'alaikome (Peace be with you),


Hello, I’m Sandra, the Founder of Rays2Excellence*Coaching Solutions an innovative approach on how to obtain balance in life focusing on the 4 Core areas that really matter *Relationships, *Career, *Physical Activity, and *Spiritual Practice called Primary Foods, Secondary Foods are the nutrition we receive from Macro and Micro Nutrients.


My mission is to create Integrative Health Solutions to help you move towards excellence in living your best life!


I work with Clients leading them towards lifestyle changes and health lasting results as well as creating Specialized Health & Wellness Training Programs for Corporations.

Currently, I am creating a Youth Health Awareness Initiative Program focused on Smart Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices designed to Empower our children in the hope to beat pre-indicators of an increase of Diabetes and Obesity up to 50% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by 2030.

Throughout the years of fasting Ramadan, I have observed that some people break their fasts with food and sugary drinks that actually harm the body instead of contributing to good health?  During a fast the body is in repair mode, when we break our fasts we can help this process rather than cause complete chaos and miss out on the benefits from the physical part of fasting.


This is why I have designed the  'Ramadan Ultimate Cleanse' to help you reap more benefits of the healing process during this Blessed month of fasting. 

This Cleanse includes:

  • The Ramadan Ultimate Cleanse Guidebook

  • Meal Plan & Recipes 

  • Food Preparation and Cooking Tips

  • Daily Protocol

  • Client Journal

  • Toxin Reduction Tips & Tools

  • Product list for the Ramadan*Spring Cleanse


Weight loss doesn’t have to be painful.

There are effective and healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off.  Once you learn to fire up your metabolism, it will work optimally to burn fat, while decreasing your cravings.


The Ramadan-Spring*

Ultimate Cleanse

Ramadan Spring

I’m offering this simple cleanse to help you revolutionize the way you think about food, and reshape your body from the inside out during the Blessed Month of Ramadan!

I bet I know what you’re thinking… how is this different from all the other diets out there?


I have good news for you… this isn’t a DIET!

I want to show you how to throw out the fad diets that plague our society and teach you a simple system that really WORKS. 

Image by Jonathan Farber
What’s the difference between a Diet and a Cleanse?

In a diet, you find yourself trying to count every calorie you eat, which understandably causes you to become frustrated and give up. At the end of the day, you find yourself hungry and lethargic.

This program isn’t about starving your body, fasting, juicing, eating strange food combinations, or taking lots of supplements. It’s about learning how to use delicious foods as fuel for your best body.


Do you know one of the most common causes of weight loss resistance?

The answer is hidden food sensitivities. Unlike food allergies, food sensitivities often go undiagnosed because they often don’t produce a clear and immediate reaction. When you eat foods your body is sensitive to, it creates inflammation in your body.

Inflammation = Weight Gain


“If you don’t address inflammation by eliminating hidden food allergens or sensitivities and by eating an anti-inflammatory diet, you will never succeed at effective and permanent weight loss.”


– Dr. Mark Hyman

mark hyman

In this cleanse you will identify
hidden food sensitivities.


In this program we’ll explore what foods work best (and which don’t) to give you optimum energy, kickstart changes in your body, and reduce your waistline.

This cleanse will also help remove toxins from your body. Toxins are stored in fat cells. The more toxins stored in your body, the more fat your body needs to hold on to. Once you remove the toxins, your body will be able to release excess weight.

I will take you step-by-step through a simple cleanse that will make a huge difference in how you feel and look – in just 7 days!

The Cleanse Starts on

April 13, 2021

Early-Bird Savings

Register by April 10th and save $50.00

I’m ready! Sign me up!
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 In case you do not have PayPal, please send an email and we will help you arrange your method of payment;

I’m offering this cleanse program for several reasons:


Even though I believe in simple and gentle cleanses, cleansing can be tough to do on your own. This program is designed to give you the support you need as you go through the process.


Having gone through several cleanses, I often found I had questions along the way and wished I had a coach I could go to for direction.


I want you to learn from the mistakes I have made during the cleanses I have done in the past.  I also want to share systems I have developed to simplify the process. Why should you have to reinvent the wheel?


Cleansing is a very effective way to create long-term changes, but most people don’t know how to effectively use a cleanse to create lasting changes.


Life gets in the way of a healthy and nutritional lifestyle. While we might be motivated when we begin, it’s easy to fall back into old habits. I want to support you so you can make lasting changes.

“This program increased my ability to hone in on my symptoms and relate them back to my diet. thank you for putting me on the right path to healthier eating!”


– Reem S.

   What's Included   

Spring handouts with ipad
4 Weeks of Meal Plans with 30 Delicious Recipes

You won’t feel deprived with the amazing menu I have put together for you, and you’ll know exactly what to buy and cook.


Live Group Kick-Off Call

We’ll start the program with a live call where I’ll talk about how to get the most out of this program and how to make it work with your busy life.


Daily Support in a Closed Facebook Group

You’ll have my personal support and the support of your fellow cleansers each step of the way, so you never feel stuck or like you’re in it alone.

Cleanse Guide

A complete cleanse guide so you know what to do and when.

Daily Protocol

An easy to follow document that you can print out and post on your fridge so you can stay on track.

 BONUS 30-Minute Post-Cleanse Strategy Session 
We’ll talk about what the right next step is for you so that you can extend the benefits of the cleanse.

Value: $97

Are you ready to transform the way you look and feel during this Blessed Month of Fasting?


Your Investment: Only $194 (Normally $294)

The Cleanse Starts on April 13, 2021.


Early-Bird Savings

Register by April 10th and save an additional $50.00
I’m ready! Sign me up!
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 In case you do not have PayPal, please send an email and we will help you arrange your method of payment;

“Going through this program allowed me to feel like myself again. My energy increased, my cravings decreased, and I feel better than I have in months.”

- anonymous


Will I really see results in just 7 days?

Yes! When you eat foods that aren’t right for your body, besides having excess weight, you can feel bloated, sluggish, and lethargic. The Ramadan Ultimate Cleanse gives you the results you are looking for because you will remove foods that cause inflammation in the body. This will alleviate issues like bloating and lethargy. And, by removing inflammatory foods, the cells in your body will stop holding onto fat and the weight will release especially after daily fasting!

What results can I expect from this 28 Day Cleanse?

  • Determine any hidden food sensitivities that are causing you to hold onto weight (MANY people have food sensitivities and don’t know it).

  • Jumpstart your metabolism, so you can release excess weight you may be holding onto.

  • Reduce cravings and hunger for foods that sabotage weight loss.

  • Remove toxins from your body, so you can release excess weight. 

  • Learn which foods fuel your body, so you can feel energized, clear and confident. 

  • Reduce inflammation and digestive issues, which is the major cause of bloating and lethargy.

  • Reduce stress. Cleaning up your diet for 28-30 days will have a powerful impact on your emotional state. As stress melts away, your metabolism will be able to function optimally.

Will I be hungry on the cleanse?


You may experience slight hunger the first two days of the cleanse, but you can always add in a snack from the meal plans provided. They’re packed with amazing recipes that will likely become favorites of yours, even after the cleanse.

I’ve heard questionable things about certain cleanses. What can I expect in this program?


While there are programs out there that require you buy lots of supplements and shakes that have you running to the bathroom, this program is NOT that. In this program you will eat real whole foods that you’re going to love.  No supplements or special equipment is necessary.

The Cleanse Starts On April 13, 2021

Call dates & times for the Cleanse Will be:


Zoom Calls every Sunday and Thursday from 9-9:30 pm throughout the month of Ramadan 

What if I’m not available for the live calls?


While I encourage you to participate on the live calls if at all possible, I will have recordings available, so you can listen from the comfort of your own home.

Revolutionize Your Body in 28 Days

Early-Bird Savings

Register by April 10, 2021, and save $50.00

I’m ready! Sign me up!
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 In case you do not have PayPal,  please send an email and we will help you arrange your method of payment;

Happiness Guarantee

I have held nothing back in creating this program for you. I want you to live a happier, more vibrant life so I’m giving you all the tools and support you need to start your path to a healthier lifestyle. Because I want you to experience the amazing results possible in this program, once the program materials have been sent out, there are no refunds. I have created this policy so that we are both accountable for your success. I am here to support you every step of the way!

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